Safety guide for Driving

Safety guide for Driving


These safety tips will help you drive more safely. It doesn’t matter how experienced a driver you may be, it is a good idea that you review the basics of traffic safety now and again to ensure you and other pedestrians and drivers are safe.Driving lessons Bayswater make your driving learning too easy. So it’s important to take your driving lessons seriously so you can become a safe, responsible driver

Drivers should always remember safety. You, as a driver of a motor vehicle, have the responsibility to ensure that roads are safe for passengers and other drivers.

Stay Alert Pay attention to what you do and how you behave around other drivers when you drive.

Avoid Assumptions Don’t assume that other drivers will do what you want them to.

Use Turn Signs while others can’t always be trusted to signal their intentions, you can control what they expect of you. Before you make a lane change or turn, always use your turn signals.

Buckle up – A driver’s safety tip is to wear a seat belt. You are more likely to be injured in an accident if your seat belt is not on.

Be aware of Traffic Signals.

Respect Yellow Lights Remember that a yellow light is intended to warn drivers to slow down and to prepare to stop. You should not use a yellow traffic signal to tell drivers to hurry through intersections before the light turns green.

Stop at a Complete Stand – If you see a stop sign or a red light, you should stop your vehicle immediately.

Do not text and drive It is against the law to send text messages while operating a motor vehicle.

Speed Limits you must adhere to posted speed limits when driving. These speed limits are not set arbitrarily. They are selected carefully to ensure safety for both drivers and those living in homes, businesses, or other areas that have roads.

Weather Adjustments – When the weather is not perfect (e.g. rain, snow, or fog), take extra precautions while driving. Also, follow these guidelines to stay safe in each situation.

Practice patience many accidents are caused when impatient drivers rush to get to their destination. Safety is more important than time, even though it is a good consideration when traveling. Safety is more important than time. If you are in an accident, it will be harder to arrive at your destination on time than if the driver has patience. 

Avoid sudden stops and lane changes. To maximize safety, ensure other drivers can predict your actions.

Do not drive under the influence. It is important to avoid driving if you have been drinking or taking prescription or non-prescription medications, or are otherwise impaired.

Yield Right-of-Way – When another driver has the right, make sure you yield to them. Don’t assume that everyone will yield to your request. No matter who has the right, you should yield to anyone else that isn’t following the standard procedures for yielding.

Where are You Going – Planning your route ahead of time will ensure that you don’t have to plan while driving a motorized car.

Respect stopped vehicles – If you have to pass a vehicle that is stopped at the side of the road, please move over to clear the way for you to change lanes. Slow down if you have to change lanes.

Avoid Distractions Text messages are not the only danger drivers must avoid when operating a vehicle. Distractions include text messaging, changing CDs, using your cell phone, eating, and interacting with passengers.

Use Headlights when Needed Headlights are not only necessary at night. Turning on your headlights when driving in rain or fog can help keep you and others safe.

Share the Road. Remember, you’re not the only one driving on the road. Everyone must remember that sharing the road with others is a safety precaution. It’s important to recognize that all drivers are worthy of respect and to show kindness to them.

Proper vehicle maintenance – Make sure your car is in top working order. You should keep fluids full, perform scheduled engine maintenance, ensure that your tires are inflated properly, and make sure the exterior lights of your vehicle work at all times.
